Inquiries and Administrative Proceedings

DBML Advocacia assists public servants and individuals subject to the Public Administration regime in opening investigations and defending administrative proceedings.


Roberto Dias

• More than 30 years of experience as a lawyer for companies, foundations, and individuals;
• Doctor in Law from PUC/SP;
• Professor of Law at PUC/SP and FGV/SP. Coordinator of the undergraduate course in Law at FGV Direito SP;
• Member of the Bioethics Committee of Hospital Sírio-Libanês.

Vitor Hugo Jacob Covolato

• 09 years of solid experience in public law and dispute prevention and resolution in the civil and administrative spheres, advising companies, legal departments, and associations;
• Postgraduate student in Civil Procedural Law at PUC/SP. Graduated from PUC/SP;
• Secretary General of the Special Commission on Administrative Law of the OAB/SP;
• Member of the Probity Guardianship Commissions and Court of Auditors of the Brazilian Institute of Sanctioning Administrative Law (IDASAN).

Edouard David M. Dardenne Neto

• Bachelor of Law from PUC/SP; Master in Civil Procedural Law from PUC/SP; Specialist in Public Law from the Escola Paulista da Magistratura;
• Public servant at the São Paulo State Court of Justice for over 10 years;
• Guest Professor at the Mackenzie Presbiterian University;
• Assistant Coordinator and Professor of the specialization course in Civil Procedural Law at COGEAE of PUC-SP.

Gabrielle Damiati Wey

• Has been in the DBML internship since 2021;
• Bachelor of Laws from PUC/SP (2022).

Raissa Casoy Priolli

• Has been in the DBML internship since 2021;
• Bachelor of Laws from PUC/SP (2022).

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